Solicitors, Florence FEUILLEBOIS and our law firm team of employment and labour law specialists provide corporate counsel for senior executives and executive directors.

The firm’s actions are based on sound legal experience and, above all, on the ability to devise the most appropriate and tailored strategy for their clients and to deliver on commonly set goals.

The firm’s solicitors address both individual and collective issues.

Individual consultation :

The majority of our clients are senior executives and executive directors :

• Effective, likely or desired termination of employment:

A termination of employment contract may be effective. Problems may arise making termination of employment likely. Our clients in non-duress circumstances may wish to terminate employment of their own accord.

Our role entails the following :

  • negotiate an agreement (transaction and/or mutually agreed termination) or, should negotiations fail, bring claims to entities with correct jurisdiction, (Employment Tribunal, High Court, regulatory agencies for the recognition of work-related illnesses or occupational injuries),
  • advise our clients on their rights such as termination compensation, social security contributions and income tax on compensation, Pôle Emploi (French job centre) policies, life and health insurance, retirement plans, stock-options (or particularly bonus shares), return or keeping of company property (vehicles, computers, phones, etc.).


Existing employment contractual relationships :

Our clients may face a decline in workplace conditions.

Our role entails the following :

  • advise clients on everyday workplace behaviour, according to commonly agreed upon goals (general attitude, answering employer correspondence or requests, behaviour during assessments, adequate response to set workplace objectives, etc.),
  • conduct preventive measures in given cases, according to an pre-established strategy (Staff representatives, informing Labour Inspection or the Health and Safety Executive).

If termination of the employment contract is inevitable, our work done beforehand will benefit our clients.


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We advise our clients on a case-by-case basis on the advisability of appearing in their case file.
 For strategic purposes, the majority of our cases are processed and settled without employer knowledge. We provide client support while protecting their employer/employee relationships and their network.

Legal proceedings are of a subsidiary nature. Professional careers are increasingly regulated by several employment contracts. In certain cases, we believe it is essential to favour a settlement.

Collective consultation :

We advise employee representation staff (Works councils, Staff representatives, Hygiene, Safety and Workplace Conditions Committees, Social and Economic Committees particularly since France’s 22 September 2017 Ordonnances Macron came into effect) on:

  • enterprise projects that impact employment and enterprises’ general operations,
  • collective termination of employment contracts based on economic grounds (Employment Protection Schemes, mutually agreed collective termination in particular),
  • everyday relations with enterprise Management.

We also represent the interests of trade union organisations in litigation proceedings brought to competent courts (High Court, Court of Justice, Court of Appeal, and Crown Court in particular).

Attorneys at the Court

3 rue Villaret de Joyeuse
75017 PARIS

Tél : +33 1 40 54 78 87
Fax : +33 1 43 80 01 41